Thursday, September 30, 2010
WordPress for iPhone/iPad v2.6 Released-Upload video added!
WordPress for iPhone/iPad v2.6 Released
Posted September 30, 2010 by Jane Wells. Filed under Releases.Attention Apple-gadget-owning WordPress users! Have you been using the WordPress iOS app for iPhone and iPad? Or maybe you tried it a while back and thought it wasn’t for you? Either way, the new release — v2.6 — will knock your socks off. Why? A bunch of reasons:
- Video. Record, upload, attach, and play videos within the app. Yay for being able to catch your friends’ and co-workers’ most
embarrassing shenaniganscreative moments with iPhone video and publish them immediately for all the world to see on your WordPress site.- A total rewrite of the way local drafts are handled, to prevent the unintentional loss of your pending posts.
- Autosave/post revisions. Bam! One of the “oh, thank goodness” features of the web app makes it into the iOS version.
- Easier setup. Faster and easier process for adding your sites to the app.
- Media Library. We’re gradually getting closer to the media management you’re used to in the web app.
There are also numerous bugfixes and performance enhancements in this release, so if you haven’t been using the app lately, you should consider giving it another try. I’m personally pretty excited to start using the iPhone version more often now that there are all these fixes and new features. Especially the video upload. You know, for those creative moments that make life fun.
You can read the full 2.6 release post on the WordPress for iOS blog, and can download v2.6 from iTunes/the app store. Happy mobile blogging!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Lifehacker: Make a Tablet Stylus Out of a Candy Wrapper-Neat, cheap trick!
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
ThinkGeek TK-421 case brings QWERTY keypad to iPhones-Cool idea & name
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Twitter Isn’t Really a Network Anymore… | Social Media Today
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Friday, September 24, 2010
HTML5 Boilerplate - An awesome rock-solid default for HTML5 development
HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site.
HTML5: The Facts And The Myths - Smashing Magazine
Awesome overview of HTML5 by the smart people over at Smashing Magazine.
How to Use Blogging as a Marketing Tool - Do Your Job Better - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The source for this article is interesting The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
10 Tips for Adding Game Mechanics to a Non-Gaming Service-Some really cool ideas here
- Your service: the game. Feinleib suggests that if you start thinking about your service as a game, you will identify some of the ways in which game mechanics -- ideas of competition, rewards, and so on -- will best fit in.
- Status / reputation. "People want status. It's human nature," he writes. "But the thing about status is, it has to be visible: both to the person who has it and to everyone else." If you offer rewards, make sure you make them visibile and make some of them, at least, elite or special.
- Gifting and reciprocation. Feinleib points to the importance of giving and receiving gifts, noting the social pressures to reciprocate. He suggests letting high status users give away something to others (for free), and argues that others will return gifts (that they must buy).
- Hybrid monetization. "Let your users choose how they want to pay you: with their time or with their wallet."
The Create Scarcity point is kind of evil though.
4 Ways to Attend Meetings On Your iPad-Why are there all the cool stories on the iPad when I'm trying to resist buying one
Should I at least wait until the one with the camera is on sale?
Isaiah Mustafa on Advertising Celebrity, Humility and His Super Bowl Pick - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Isaiah Mustafa on Advertising Celebrity, Humility and His Super Bowl Pick
Turns Out the Viral Star Is a Team Player
Posted by Irina Slutsky on 09.23.10 @ 10:54 AM
--> Ad Age readers already know the facts. Old Spice viral ad uberstar Isaiah Mustafa's first spot for Procter & Gamble's Old Spice was viewed more than 20 million times. The Old Spice YouTube channel is now reportedly the most viewed channel of all time, with 145 million views, many of which were garnered when Mr. Mustafa and Old Spice embarked on a series of personal video responses to questions. Views for the response effort added up to more than 57 million. The first ad in the campaign, created by Wieden & Kennedy, won an Emmy and the Cannes Film Lions Grand Prix. More important than awards, the campaign has been credited with increasing Old spice sales in the U.S (though price promotions may have had a hand in that).
So it's no wonder he's become an adland celebrity -- complete with handlers. Mr. Mustafa spoke at an internal YouTube event held Sept. 17. Despite his celebrity status (or because of it), Ad Age was not given permission to film the interview. YouTubers, however, were allowed their share of fan pics. But Ad Age got in and asked him a few questions.
While it looks like he won't be starring in any more Old Spice ads for the time being, Mr. Mustafa has accepted at least two film roles, one in a movie starring Jennifer Aniston.
Who knew he was such a down to earth guy.
12 Resources for Content Marketing and Writing | Social Media Today
I am a terrible writer and have a hard time getting started. These are great resources to give you ideas about what to write about.
5 Cool Sites with Free WordPress Themes | Collin Condray's Blog
While looking for a new look for my site, I came across these sites with great themes:
- 23 Best WordPress Themes 2010
- 58 Latest Free WordPress Theme of Last 3 Months
- Best Free & Premium WordPress Themes
- BlogingBloging
- Top 10 WordPress Themes Of August 2010 For Free Download
If you find one and need help getting it installed, just let me know.
Best Free & Premium WordPress Themes
Testing out the Opinion Poll Facebook App - Any other polls I should check out?
If you have a few seconds check it out:
Once I play around with this one a little more I'll write a review.
Pay Per Face: 52 Facebook Advertising Tips & Best Practices | Search Engine Journal
Pay Per Face: 52 Facebook Advertising Tips & Best Practices
Facebook Ads Are Interesting… and Profitable
Combine AdWords’ copywriting and analytics with image-oriented linkbait, and you’ve got Facebook ads.
And it’s a new system to figure out how to compete in. To that end, I’ve combined my own experience with creating and optimizing Facebook ads for myself and clients with a survey of the existing literature out there, and created a free whitepaper and video training called “PAY PER FACE: 52 Facebook Ad Tips and Best Practices”.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Flash vs. HTML5: Adobe Weighs In
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Google Voice Apps Return to the iOS App Store
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Email Overload Fix: 3 Sentence Emails
Friday, September 17, 2010
A Better Twitter - If you haven't heard, there's a lot of changes coming to
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Twitter is the best way to discover what’s new in your world. From football to film to philanthropy, people are using Twitter to discover what’s new about what they find interesting.
Twitter has always been about getting a lot in a little. The constraint of 140 characters drives conciseness and lets you quickly discover and share what's happening. Yet, we've learned something since starting Twitter—life doesn't always fit into 140 characters or less.Today, we’re introducing a new, re-engineered that provides an easier, faster, and richer experience.
On the site, you’ll see the familiar timeline, yet underneath each Tweet is a handful of information, deeper context and even embedded media. Simply click on an individual Tweet and a details pane slides out on the right and reveals this content.
You can find out more about the enhancements on this information page. Here are some highlights:
These changes will roll out as a preview over the next several weeks starting with a very small percentage of registered accounts tonight. During the preview, you'll be able to switch back and forth so you have time to grow accustomed to the way things work. Eventually, everyone will have the updated version of We are incredibly proud of the work the Twitter web team has accomplished. We hope you are too!
- New design. The site has a cleaner timeline and a rich details pane that instantly adds more impact to individual Tweets while still maintaining the simplicity of the timeline. And, experience infinite scroll -- you no longer have to click “more” to view additional Tweets.
- Media. Now, it’s easy to see embedded photos and videos directly on Twitter, thanks to partnerships with DailyBooth, deviantART, Etsy, Flickr, Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, TwitVid, USTREAM, Vimeo, yfrog, and YouTube.
- Related content. When you click a Tweet, the details pane shows additional information related to the author or subject. Depending on the Tweet’s content, you may see: replies, other Tweets by that user, a map of where a geotagged Tweet was sent from, and more.
- Mini profiles. Click a username to see a mini profile without navigating from the page, which provides quick access to account information, including bio and recent Tweets.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The 5 Step Process for Social Media Success | Social Media Today
Are Twitter Followers Better Than Facebook Fans? - eMarketer
That last paragraph is very interesting. Even though Twitter is smaller than Facebook, it does have a higher number of influencers than Facebook users.
Seven Significant Trends in Mobile Usage - eMarketer - Check out the June spikes
They're bigger than Christmas and coincide with the introduction of new iPhones. There may be more Android phones, but it looks like the iPhone is driving the change.
Twitter Permissions: How Much Do You Trust Your Apps?-My answer, way too much
Earlier this week, a Google engineer was caught spying on users, and a few old emails from Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that he had easy access to user profiles in the early days of the service. As we move more and more of our personal information into the cloud and onto social networks, we really have to trust these companies' developers that they won't misuse our data. At the same time, though, we also have to be able to assume that companies like Twitter and Facebook will ensure that developers of third-party apps can't easily snoop on us either. According to OneForty's Mike Champion, Twitter's API currently makes it too easy for unscrupulous third-party developers to access private direct messages (DMs), for example.
Time to go an cull some of those social media apps that I allowed a long time ago that I've forgotten about. Also, be careful what you DM, it might not be private forever.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Top social media campaigns & what you can learn from them - SmartCompany
I didn't know that the BlendTec folks made and additional $50,000 in advertising revenue. I've got to use my FlipCam more.
6 Excellent Chrome Extensions | Collin Condray's Blog
A coworker recently switched from Firefox to Google Chrome. I made several suggestions for the first extensions that she should install. Here they are in no particular order:
- Trash Can-Remembers and lets you reopen previously closed tabs. Nice if click the close button one too many times.
- Forecastfox Weather-View current conditions, 7-day forecast, maps and severe weather alerts in an easily readable format. No need to install an extra program in the taskbar.
- Google Mail Checker-Displays the number of unread messages in your Google Mail inbox. You can also click the button to open your inbox.
- Chrome Gestures-Very fast way to navigate and control your browser.
- FlashBlock-Stops Flash from playing by default. Block them all, or be selective with the embedded whitelist manager. Very at keeping embedded media players from starting automatically.
- IE Tab-Display web pages using IE in a tab. One less button to press to get a new browser when one of Chrome’s quirks pops up.
Hope you find them useful!
Google teases new social networking features | TG Daily
Now that Google has acquired a small arsenal of social media companies, the search giant has confirmed that a brand new social networking platform will be launched later this year, but details are still sketchy.
Google has been buying up social start-ups for the last few months, adding companies to its portfolio
that range from social gaming to back-end software developers. But up until now, it has been quiet on what it plans to do with all these acquisitions.![]()
I don't think Google is going to beat Facebook, it's just not in their DNA. I do think they're going to get lucky and win in something. The Google social gaming effort is intriguing. What would that look like?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Creating a Social Media Strategy: Listening Example | Social Media Revolutionary
Let’s go through an example to see how listening in social media works. We’ll use a ficional example of a Fred’s Pizza in Des Moines, Iowa. What are the top things we should look for? First go to Google and type in “fred’s pizza des moines” (without the quotes) and you’ll get something that looks like this:
You can see that almost all of the results are related search terms. There’s even a Google Places entry. If you’re lucky, you’ll probably see your organization’s name in the top results. There’s a lot of Fred’s Pizzas out there but it doesn’t look like our fictional business shows up.
Now try searching for your category, in this case, pizza. Remember to include the city since this is a local business:
From this you can see hopefully not only yourself, but also who your competitors are and what they are talking about. If there is a particular issue that your competitors are dealing with, be prepared to deal with the same issue, too.
Next, we’ll switch over to Google Blog Search, and see if we can find someone already talking about pizza. We’ll start off looking for someone local whom we can connnect with. Our “pizza des moines” search brings up these results:
Google blog search returns related blogs run by people who might be interested in learning more about our pizza. The Society of Italian Americans and the Des Moines Restaurant Scene sites would be interesting sites to take a look at and connect with. Once you review the bloggers that Google returns, try other blog search engines like Technorati and Icerocket as well. Try using the same search terms in them and see if they bring up someone else interesting.
If no one is local, then try a larger area or remove the location all together. Remember at this point we’re just looking for potential community members.
Now try searching with Twitter search. First go to the Advanced Search:
Then type in your local region along with your keyword:
And you’ll get something like this:
These will be your first group of people whom you follow on Twitter.
Now automate the process using Google Alerts and RSS feeds from Twitter searches. Keep track of news and find potential new followers using an RSS reader like Google Reader. If you’re not using Google Reader, check out this video to see why you need to. We’ll cover Google Reader in detail later.
Once you find people, listen first. Do not attempt to sell to them at this time. What are their issues? Is there a particular problem that keeps occurring again and again? Is there someone there who is seen as an expert or is the person that everyone listens to? How are they using social media? Are people talking more on Twitter? Facebook? Forums? Blog comments? All of these questions are important to answer for the next step of crafting your social media strategy: defining the audience.
Seven Important Social Media Trends For The Next Year
Seven Important Social Media Trends For The Next Year
By Niall Harbison on September 12th, 2010Social media changes from month to month. Trends come and go quicker than the seasons change. The latest trendy site could be next year’s Myspace and the hottest new site probably hasn’t even been conceived yet or is at the couple of guys in a garage stage. Having said that there are some trends that I think will continue over the coming year and with that in mind I wanted to share them here. Rather than focusing in on the finer detail I have compiled the list below in broader terms with all the main players represented. All in all it should be an exiting year ahead in social media and these should be seven of the main trends…
via thenextweb.comThe first 4 have been mentioned before. I don't think I've seen the last three come up in lists like this though.
The Influence of Mobile on Social Marketing’s Future
This will also be good for people in rural areas that don't have access to inexpensive broadband.
10 Facebook Tabs to Add-I hadn't heard of some of these before
The difference between boxes and tabs (a more detailed explanation)Firstly, if like me you were wondering how to find and add new tabs, Facebook recently added a search feature to the 'Add a new tab' option. As per the screenshot below, enter the name of an application in the search box. If there is a tab available for that app, then it will pre-populate. You can also add any of the 10 tabs below by entering the name (auto-suggest will help you).
One hopes that eventually there will be a directory of Facebook tabs, to make the process of finding new tabs easier. There is a directory of apps, but not all apps have tabs.
10 Facebook Tabs to Check Out
This list is in no particular order and we welcome your own suggestions in the comments.
A Fail Whale For the Rest of Us:
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Science Behind Feeling Good While Social Networking-Well, that explains things
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
FaceTime Set to Come to Mac OS X and Windows? - Mac Rumors
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Top 10 Essential HTML 5 Tutorials For Web Designers
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Apple TV vs. Google TV: How do they differ?
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
GoDaddy goes on sale-That's a surprise. I thought they were doing well
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Clever Burglars Using Facebook To Learn When It's Safe To Rob Your Home
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
Friday, September 10, 2010
What’s the Point of Social Media?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that question? How did you answer it? What if we ask someone else? Are they likely to give the same answer or a different one?
We’re also likely to give a different answer than people at the top social sites would give. So lets look at the point of several sites.
- LinkedIn: To help professionals network and deepen the relationships they already have or are just developing.
- Facebook: It’s changed in scope from its origins but Facebook allows us to engage with our friends and families on a more personal level sharing experiences, video, photo’s, etc.
- Twitter: Twitter lets us stream micro thoughts to others and see what others are thinking or up to.
- You Tube: Allows you to post to share experiences, entertainment, outrage, etc with others.
Drumroll, please: the top Web scams of the decade-And I've only been taken in by 3 of them
"Men," said he, "must have corrupted nature a little, for they were not born wolves, and they have become wolves." —Voltaire, CandideOne of the less pleasant aspects of our online Age of Anxiety is that most of us now get anonymous e-mails on a daily basis from people who, given their druthers, would rob us silly as fast as technologically possible. Of late, I've been getting a frenzy of bogus missives thanking me for the five thousand dollars or so worth of software, gadgets, self-help books, and lingerie I supposedly purchased on a famous online shopping service over the last five minutes.
Of course, if this message was a mistake, I'm helpfully directed to an online form, where, upon disclosing my credit card data, someone will presumably clean my financial clock in nanoseconds.
What fun. Good to know that there are so many people out there who care. But better to know what the most common scams look like. Here is security vendor Panda's new list of the biggest Web scams of the decade.
Fingers Crossed: Google Voice May Be Returning To The App Store-Can it be true?
Collin Condray Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.
9 Ways to Rock Blog World Expo-Or any conference for that matter
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How to tell if your Company is Advanced: 10 Criteria Of Social Business Maturity « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
How to tell if your Company is Advanced: 10 Criteria Of Social Business Maturity
This is an epic post simply for the links that support it.
Parents: Don't make Facebook Profiles for your Children
Parents who make and update Facebook profiles for their children drive me nuts. Why does your infant need a profile separate from your own when s/he cannot even update it on their own?
You don’t need to secure a domain for your unborn baby. You don’t need to start building their personal brand. Let them live their own life. Let them build their own online presence. Be there to guide them. Help them through the mistakes. But whatever you do, don’t do the work for them while they are still in the womb.
This is OK for your pet not for your kids.
How To Tackle Negative Comments While Managing Community In Social Media
Hi Folks, do you work as an Online Community Manager? Do you often receive the negative remarks of some person whom you have not known in a long time? Well you do not have to be a community member to receive negative feedback / response or a comment. You could have subscribed to a site and there you have someone creating a high noise level. You may not know this person. The only connection between you and this person is the Page / Site that you both are on. While sometime the comments 'may' not be 'useful', other times certain comments are necessary to be heard and addressed to.When the comments are directly towards you at a personal level you may tend to re-act a little more strongly. When it is towards your business or brand then you at first step try to plan but yet could have a strong urge to re-act.
There are couple of reasons why people react negatively. Before we re-act to negative comments we need to have a basic understanding towards the human mind set...
This came up in conversation I just had. Don't be afraid. Don't get mad. Have a plan. Take it private. All good advice.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
5 Clever Ways to Make A Sticky Blog
No doubt about it – Content is King. However, the formula for successful blogging doesn’t end there. In fact, content is just the beginning. If you want to make money, create a loyal readership, or attract new clients, you need to keep your readers ON your blog.
In a word, your blog needs to be sticky.
A sticky blog compels readers to read more than one post. A sticky blog immerses readers in an experience that results in comments and retweets. Sticky blogs are more profitable than regular run-of-the-mill ones because they put more offers in front of the same reader.
Got your attention?
Let’s talk about how to create a sticky blog by studying the 500 million-member juggernaut – Facebook...
This Post is from: ProBlogger Blog Tips.
All good points but I like #3 and #4 the best.
Top 10 Most Popular Facebook Pages
How famous is Lady Gaga really? We’ll, she has recently become the most popular living musician/artist on Facebook. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta better knows as an american recording artist, Lady Gaga has gathered over 17 million fans on the most popular social network. She has reached the stardom with her hugely popular hits Alejandro and Pokerface.
Talking about poker, the most popular Facebook Page is …you guessed it; poker. Texas Hold’em has managed to get a whopping 23 million fans and it is one of the most popular online games ever. Other famous Facebook personalities include Barack Obama, Vin Diesel and Hugh Laurie as the excentric Dr. House.
Here is the top 10 most popular Facebook Pages today...
There's nothing in the top 10 that's really "serious" (save the whales, hard science, teaching, etc.) I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing though.
6 Lessons Learned From the Demise of MySpace
Once the undisputed king of social media (at least in the U.S.), MySpace last week declared what amounts to a post-modern armistice, announcing that they will integrate status updates with Facebook (and Twitter).
MySpace used to be Janet, and now it’s LaToya – at best.
While the erosion of the MySpace user base has been ongoing for years, the fact that it was purchased for $580 million just five years ago says all you need to know about the vagaries of online leadership. Coincidental timing too, as Yahoo! gave up their search engine duties in U.S. and Canada to Microsoft’s Bing last week. Approximately 10 years after having 67% of the search market, Yahoo! is now out of the business entirely. Ouch.
But back to MySpace. Where did it all go so wrong? What can we learn from its death spiral?
A good jaunt down memory lane. How many of these lessons can be applied to our current organizations?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
How to Write Effective Blog Posts - Love the wireframe at the end
How to Write Effective Blog Posts
September 6, 2010 ·">View Comments
The best compliment I ever receive about my blog is that my posts are short, simple, and actionable. Any time I get that response, I feel that I’ve hit the mark. When I get a lot of comments about uncertainty or when people seek clarity, or when I find myself defending parts of the post that didn’t mean anything, or when I get comments about the analogy and not the meat of the post, that’s when I know that I rushed it, or that I blew it.
I’ve shared before about the writing practice, about how I get ideas for posts. This time, I’ll share about what I do to make my posts effective (or what I hope will be effective).
Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits-Wish I'd known about this years ago
And check out the classroom. Does Junior’s learning style match the new teacher’s approach? Or the school’s philosophy? Maybe the child isn’t “a good fit” for the school.
Such theories have developed in part because of sketchy education research that doesn’t offer clear guidance. Student traits and teaching styles surely interact; so do personalities and at-home rules. The trouble is, no one can predict how.
Yet there are effective approaches to learning, at least for those who are motivated. In recent years, cognitive scientists have shown that a few simple techniques can reliably improve what matters most: how much a student learns from studying...
To Spend Real Money on Fake Money, Go to Target
Sounds like all the MMORPGs like World of Warcraft who already do this have been on the leading edge all along.
Monday, September 6, 2010
5 New Ways Small Business Can Offer Location-Based Deals
Article: Why the Future of Social Marketing is Global
I wonder what the language of the global social marketing will be. If the majority of the commerce isn't in English, then the USA could be in trouble.
Article: Privacy Not a Problem for Savvy Millennials
Article: Social Networking Doubles Among Boomers and Seniors
I believe it, my mother-in-law joined Facebook not too long ago and she's in the 70+ age range.