Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Computer passwords: Speak, friend, and enter-There are still people who set their password to 12345

Mr Bonneau found some intriguing variations. Older users had better passwords than young ones. (So much for the tech-savviness of youth.) People whose preferred language was Korean or German chose the most secure passwords; those who spoke Indonesian the least. Passwords designed to hide sensitive information such as credit-card numbers were only slightly more secure than those protecting less important things, like access to games. “Nag screens” that told users they had chosen a weak password made virtually no difference. And users whose accounts had been hacked in the past did not make dramatically more secure choices than those who had never been hacked.

Blue Zoo Creative - Web Design For Northwest Arkansas

Monday, March 26, 2012

Political Postings Risk Social Media Alienation-Check out the last paragraph if you're in cause marketing

As the Republican primary season winds down and focus shifts to the general election, social network users can likely expect more disagreements of this type to pop up, and brand marketers should take note. For now, the majority of social network users are not hitting any unfriend or hide buttons—but if political disagreements become more widespread, friend and influencer networks may begin to shrink, on average, hobbling the power of social word-of-mouth for marketers.

Blue Zoo Creative - Web Design For Northwest Arkansas

Friday, March 23, 2012

5 Ways TV Newsrooms Use the Facebook Cover Photo-Some uses of the new Timeline feature to think about


In TV news lingo, the cover photo is the lead story. And in the competitive world of journalism, newsrooms are all vying for the best lead. I tell my newsroom clients to think of it as the cold open. You have a short amount of time to get people hooked and wanting more. For news organizations, it’s a special challenge. Facebook is more than a publicity or customer service platform. For them, it’s part of the job. Journalists use social media to gather news content and find sources. And step one is building a large and active fan base.

Here are a few trends we’re seeing as newsrooms use their cover photos to tease viewers into becoming fans. What are some other trends you’re seeing with cover photos on news organizations’ brand Timelines? Which approach do you think works best? Let us know in the comments.

Blue Zoo Creative - Web Design For Northwest Arkansas

Monday, March 19, 2012

Foursquare on Facebook: Hands on With the New Timeline Integration-More consolidation of the location based services

Users who connect their Foursquare accounts to their Facebook accounts will see a new Foursquare Timeline module that displays recent checkin activity as well as total checkins and top places for the month. It looks like this: When checkins appear in the Newsfeed, they’ll be plotted on a map and include the viewer’s other Facebook friends that are checked in on Foursquare at the same location. Here’s how that will look:

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How to Get Rid of Facebook Timeline and Actually Bring the Old Facebook Back-I'm tempted to do this


If you're adamant about wanting the old Facebook back, though, a simple Chrome extension can abolish the Timeline for good. Here's how.

Blue Zoo Creative - Northwest Arkansas Web Design

42 Things To Do On Twitter Besides Tweet Spam & Coupons | Social Media Today

If you are one struggling with “what to tweet” I encourage you to go back to the reasons you started your business. Focus on your audience, clients, partners and community. Get in their head and do your best to understand what it is they need. What do they want to talk about? How can you personally help them? How can your business help them meet their goals and objectives? Below is a list of 42 things you can do on Twitter besides tweet coupons or promote your business all day long.

Blue Zoo Creative - Northwest Arkansas Web Development

Thursday, March 8, 2012

[Infographic] How to Write the Best Call to Action Emails-Some good things to remember

Viral? Not! Only 2% Of Fans Share Facebook Page Posts-Now I don't feel so bad I'm not shared more

Five Leadership Mistakes Of The Galactic Empire - If you liked the Captain Kirk leadership article


But mistakes are learning opportunities. And in thinking about Star Wars, let’s leave the prequels behind and focus on the original trilogy. It occurs to me that the Star Wars films have a lot to teach us about leadership styles.

In particular, the Galactic Empire strikes me as a quintessential example of how not to effectively run an organization. Let’s take a look at five of the Empire’s biggest mistakes and see how you can avoid them in your own organization.

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