Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Slashdot | Why You See 'Free Public WiFi' In So Many Places-It's a bug in XP. We'll still be seeing it for years

While most people use the term "SSL" to refer to "secure internet" most https connections today use TLS.

TLS uses pseudo random element in the handshake which prevents the MITM scenario you described.

Sadly Google Chrome doesn't support TLS (no friggin idea why) so server will negotitate down to the less secure SSL v2 or SSL v1 standard.

IE 8 or later, Firefox 2.0 or later. and Safari (no idea what version) all support TLS but obviously google thinks security is over-rated.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

UA launches UARKmobile iPhone application – Fayetteville Flyer

A Simple Tripod Kicks iPhone Photography Up a Notch-Cool little device for $20. I wonder how it works with the iPhone 3?

Trouble In Clever Domain Land: And Others Risk Losing Theirs gov't censoring domains

Google Goggles Lands on the iPhone-Things to play with this afternoon. I wonder if there's anything around here that shows up on it?

Netflix for iPhone Now Plays Movies on Your TV-Neat trick, too bad the cables are so expensive

What Mashable Readers Think Facebook Is Going to Announce-The Skype guess is a good one

xkcd: Online Communities Map Summere of 2010-Great overview of the importance of online properties

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Best iPad Apps-There's some pretty cool (and free) apps in this list

Nielsen Announces “Major Step Forward” in Online Advertising Measurement-This is big. Get out your checkbooks

Restoring Old Sneakers Using Toothpast-This is pretty cool, I'm going to have to try it tonight.

Meet Twitter for Google TV-How you get your text to Twitter? Typing on TV is usually painful

Monday, October 04, 2010

People often tweet about TV shows as they’re watching them. Additionally, media companies are increasingly finding new ways to incorporate Tweets into their programs. Take, for example, Jimmy Fallon or the Video Music Awards in September. Tweets aren’t just about TV shows; they are part of them.

We’ve long discussed what the interplay between Twitter and television would look like. As a first step, today we’re announcing Twitter for Google TV. It brings Twitter to a platform that merges the Internet and TV into one experience.

The application has most of the features and functionality that you’d expect from Twitter. It makes it easy to look through Tweets, @mentions, and favorites. When you click on a Tweet, you can reply, retweet, favorite, or share it. You will also see additional options depending on the content of the Tweet. For example, you can visit a URL or click a hashtag to search for it on Twitter. If a user is mentioned, you can visit that user’s profile to see their Tweets or follow them. And if there is a link to a photo or video, you can see a thumbnail version. Clicking the link will take you to the site so you can see a larger version of the photo or watch the video.

Additionally, the search box provides access to trending topics and recent searches, so you can quickly check out popular topics and revisit past searches. Twitter for Google TV, which is preinstalled, also lets you share web pages, pictures, and other content on Twitter – just look for the “Share” option and select Twitter.

This is just the beginning of what could be possible at the intersection of Twitter and television. We’re excited to see what’s next.

Posted by @ at 8:34 AM

Alphabetical Sorting Must (Mostly) Die-Another Interesting way of looking at usability by Jakob Nielsen’s Awesome Easter Egg To Instantly Turn Any Link Into A QR Code-Neat trick!

Review: Sony PlayStation Move-Looks kinda cool. At $99 it's pretty close to the Wii tho

WARNING: Facebook “Like” Worm Spreading Through Javascript Exploit-Be careful out there this morning!

HOW TO: Help Your Child Set Up a Blog-Interesting security & monitoring tools

Collin Condray

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.