Wednesday, February 23, 2011

iPad 2 Could Be Unveiled March 2 - Whew, glad the delay rumor was false

Apple will reportedly unveil the iPad 2 on March 2, giving the world its first glimpse of the successor to the iPad, which has sold more than 15 million units. This leaves the tech world just under a week to rev up even more speculation surrounding the iPad 2 feature set, as well as keep a watchful eye on Android competitors arriving on the market.

Amid reports of iPad 2 delays until June, tech pundits corroborated their sources and believe March 2 to be the date Apple will unveil the new tablet. Kara Swisher at All Things Digital scooped the date, John Gruber of Daring Fireball says this "sounds right on schedule" and Miguel Heft at The New York Times reports next Wednesday is D-Day, too. Expect to hear about press invitations in the next few days, too, if March 2 is indeed the iPad 2 day.


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Monday, February 21, 2011

US Gov. Software Creates ’Fake People’ on Social Networks to Promote Propoganda-That's sneaky. I wonder how well real people will find the fakes?

The US government is offering private intelligence companies contracts to create software to manage "fake people" on social media sites and create the illusion of consensus on controversial issues.

The contract calls for the development of "Persona Management Software" which would help the user create and manage a variety of distinct fake profiles online. The job listing was discussed in recently leaked emails from the private security firm HBGary after an attack by internet activist last week.

Click here to view the government contract (PDF)

According to the contract, the software would "protect the identity of government agencies" by employing a number of false signals to convince users that the poster is in fact a real person. A single user could manage unique background information and status updates for up to 10 fake people from a single computer.


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Friday, February 4, 2011

MySpace Could Be Bought by Giant Mobile Gaming Startup MocoSpace-Couldn't hurt 'em

MocoSpacelogo.jpgMass market mobile social networking and gaming platform MocoSpace has issued a statement expressing interest in purchasing MySpace from parent company NewsCorp. The potential acquirer says the two companies have already begun to talk. It sounds like a logical deal, if it can get done.

MocoSpace is a far-reaching service that began with mobile web social networking, then moved into casual games and last Spring into smart phone apps. The company targets multicultural and youth audiences as young as 14 years old. It has raised $6.5 million in venture capital and is well regarded for its mobile advertising success. MocoSpace serves up 3 billion mobile web pages each month, making it the 4th most visited mobile website online, according to one analyst firm last Spring.

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Egypt, Malcolm Gladwell and Social Media as a Life or Death Proposition-Interesting model for activist empowerment using social medi

How to Shovel Snow Like a Man | The Art of Manliness-Great advice if you're planning on going out

Hex Codes for Crayola Crayon Colors-I'll never color the same with my kids again

The 5 Social Media Game Plans for Super Bowl Advertisers-The VW Force Ad is great

Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Impressions Using Android Honeycomb, Google’s iPad Rival-Even more info about Honeycomb

How We Use Our Phones via texts per teen? OMG

A Social Savvy Snowmageddon-I used social media to decide not to go out today

Google Unveils Android Honeycomb-Harder and harder to choose between this & the iPad. Guess I'll have to get both

Bringing Interactivity To Your Website With Web Standards-Some really neat tips

Foursquare Enables First “Promoted” Venue And Badge Redemption Codes For The Super Bowl

Digg gets an overhaul to draw users back -

Best Travel Apps for iPhone-PackTM looks very interesting